1. 2022-2025 基于PMT-HAPA-TTM健康行为理论的个体化移动戒烟干预研究 国自然 主要参与
2. 2021-2022 Coordination of care postpartum for women up to one year after pregnancy,Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 主要参与
3. 2021-2022 Schedule of visits and use of telemedicine for routine antenatal care,Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 主要参与
4. 2020-2021 Breast Reconstruction after mastectomy,Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 主要参与
5. 2018-2019 Oral Health Promotion Among Children Living with HIV/AIDS in China, Impact Project Scheme University of Hong Kong 主要参与
6. 2013-2016 Factors and potential mental health impacts of HIV disclosure to regular female sex partners among HIV-positive men who have sex with men and women in China,Postgraduate Students Grants for Overseas Academic Activities The Chinese University of Hong Kong主持
1. Sun, S., Cao, W., Ge, Y., Ran, J., Sun, F., Zeng, Q., ... & Wellenius, G. A. (2021). Outdoor light at night and risk of coronary heart disease among older adults: a prospective cohort study. European Heart Journal, 42(8), 822-830.
2. Ran, J., Zhao, S., Han, L., Ge, Y., Chong, M. K., Cao, W., & Sun, S. (2021). Increase in Diabetes Mortality Associated With COVID-19 Pandemic in the US. Diabetes Care.
3. Cao, W., Wong, H. M., Chang, C., Agudile, E. P., & Ekström, A. M. (2021). Coping strategies and needs among women married to men who have sex with men living with HIV in China. Psychology, health & medicine, 26(6), 711-723.
4. Cao, W., You, X., Li, J., Peng, L., Gu, J., Hao, C., ... & Mo, P. K. H. (2021). Same-sex behavior disclosure to health care providers associated with greater awareness of pre-exposure prophylaxis. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-10.
5. Cao, W., Li, J., Sun, S., Sturm, C., Peng, L., Gu, J., ... & Ekström, A. M. (2021). HIV Serostatus Disclosure Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in China in the Era of U= U and PrEP. AIDS and Behavior, 1-12.
6. Sun, S., Cao, W., Qiu, H., Ran, J., Lin, H., Shen, C., ... & Tian, L. (2020). Benefits of physical activity not affected by air pollution: a prospective cohort study. International journal of epidemiology, 49(1), 142-152.
7. Cao, W., Sun, S., Peng, L., Gu, J., Hao, C., Li, J., ... & Li, J. (2020). Low willingness to pay for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China. BMC public health, 20(1), 1-11.
8. Yan, H., Cao, W., Mo, P., Huan, X., Wang, Z., Lin, X., ... & Lau, J. (2019). Prevalence and associated factors of HIV serostatus disclosure to regular female sex partners among HIV-positive men who have sex with both men and women in China. AIDS care.
9. Sun, S., Cao, W., Pun, V. C., Qiu, H., Ge, Y., & Tian, L. (2019). Respirable particulate constituents and risk of cause-specific mortality in the Hong Kong population. Environmental science & technology, 53(16), 9810-9817.
10. Cao, W., Wong, H. M., Chang, C., Agudile, E. P., & Ekström, A. M. (2019). Behavioral interventions promoting HIV serostatus disclosure to sex partners among HIV-positive men who have sex with men: a systematic review. International journal of public health, 64(7), 985-998.