1. 科技部对发展中国家科技援助项目,中国-东盟公共卫生科技合作中心建设(2021-2024),子课题负责人
2. 比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会项目,非洲塞拉利昂疟疾分子流行病学实验室能力建设试点项目实施与评估(2021-2024),负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,急性心肌梗死患者救治系统延迟模型构建及运行机制优化研究(2020-2023),负责人
4. 美国中华医学会卫生政策与体系竞标项目,新冠疫情下急性心肌梗死救治临床服务质量改进及实施策略研究(2021-2023),负责人
5. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,北京市急救医疗体系运行机制优化研究:以急性心肌梗死为例(2020-2022),负责人
6. 世界卫生组织双年度合作项目,新冠疫情下中国参与全球卫生治理和全球卫生安全研究(2021-2022),子课题负责人
7. 公司区域与国别研究学术基金项目,二十国集团与全球卫生治理:中国实践与挑战(2021-2022),负责人
8. 公司团队建设项目,实施科学视域下急危重症医疗服务质量改进及体系优化研究(2020-2021),负责人
9. 深圳市医疗卫生三名工程高层次医学团队项目,急救医疗体系及医疗优先分级调度系统建设(2019-2024),子课题负责人
10. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,中国典型城市急救医疗服务可及性及与健康结局关系研究(2018-2020),负责人
1. Zhou S, Dong X, Liu F, Zhang Y, Yue D, Zhou Q, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Control Trial to Evaluate the Implementation and Effectiveness of Optimized Initiatives in Improving Quality of Care for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak. Implementation Science. 2021, 16(1): 38-52.
2. Song S, Trisolini MG, Labresh KA, Smith SC, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. Factors Associated with County-level Variation in Non-communicable Disease Premature Mortality in the United States, 1999-2017. JAMA Network Open, 2020, 3(2): e200241.
3. Jin Y, Song S, Zhang L, Trisolini MG, Labresh KA, Smith SC, Zheng Z*. Disparities in Premature Cardiac Death Among the United States Counties from 1999 to 2017: Temporal Trends and Key Drivers. Journal of American Heart Association. 2020, 9(15): e016340.
4. Song S, Ma G, Trisolini MG, Labresh KA, Smith SC, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. Evaluation of Between-County Disparities in Premature Mortality Due to Stroke in the US. JAMA Network Open, 2021, 4(5): e214488.
5. Li N, Ma J, Liu F, Zhang Y, Ma P, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. Associations of apparent temperature with acute cardiac events and subtypes of acute coronary syndromes in Beijing, China. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11(1): 15229.
6. Duan Y, Shi J, Wang Z, Zhou S, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination among Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries: The Mediating Role of Vaccination Policy. Vaccines. 2021, 9(8): 905.
7. Song S, Duan Y, Huang J, Wong M, Chen H, Trisolini MG, Labresh KA, Smith SC, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. Socioeconomic Inequalities in Premature Cancer Mortality Among U.S. Counties During 1999 to 2018. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2021, 30(7): 1375-1386.
8. Jin Y, Zhu D, He P*. Social causation or social selection? The longitudinal interrelationship between poverty and depressive symptoms in China. Social Science & Medicine, 2020, 249: 112848.
9. Zhang J, Song S, Zhao Y, Ma G, Jin Y*, Zheng ZJ. Economic burden of comorbid chronic conditions among survivors of stroke in China: 10-year longitudinal study. BMC Health Service Research. 2021, 21(1): 978.
10. Li N, Ma J, Zhou S, Dong X, Maimaitiming M, Jin Y*, Zheng Z. Can a Healthcare Quality Improvement Initiative Reduce Disparity in the Treatment Delay among ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients with Different Arrival Modes? Evidence from 33 General Hospitals and Their Anticipated Impact on Healthcare during Disasters and Public Health Emergencies. Healthcare. 2021, 9(11): 1462.